Outreach Ministries




 The Outreach Ministries of St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish are multifaceted efforts designed to promote the Social Welfare of the Parish and Community.
We encourage everyone in the parish to work together within St. Augustine Parish and with other parishes, community organizations, and groups to spread the word and love of Jesus in our lives.
Among the areas of involvement at this time are the following:




  • Parish Food Pantry         
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • Sister Parish of St. Francis de Assis in Guatamala
  • Community Social Work Partnerships
  • Partnership with St. Henry's Social Justice Ministry

For more information on any of these endeavors, call the Parish Office with your name, phone number and area of interest and you will be contacted.

Follow the link below to view the annual report from our Sister Parish of St. Francis de Assis in Guatamala

Sister Parish 2022